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General services

Specialized care

The whiter, brighter smile you've always wanted is available to everyone.

Generally, dull, yellow teeth are associated with aging.

Généralement, des dents ternes et jaunes sont associées au vieillissement. Avec le temps, les dents naturelles se tachent et se colorent. Un sourire plus blanc et éclatant contribue à augmenter la confiance en soi et à paraître plus jeune.

Over time, natural teeth become stained and colored.

The treatment is done at home by wearing whitening trays and lasts about 2 weeks. For the majority of patients, the whitening process does not cause discomfort other than a slight temporary tenderness that disappears at the end of the treatment.

Before doing teeth whitening, we recommend a dental exam to determine if you are a good candidate. We will evaluate the restorations present in the mouth. Especially those visible to the smile because they may need to be changed after the whitening treatment. Note that no restorations, crowns, or veneers change color with bleaching. A dental exam also makes it possible to diagnose the presence of caries. They will need to be repaired before starting the whitening treatment. Dental cleaning is always recommended prior to the start of whitening treatments.

To maintain the color afterwards, we recommend touch-ups as needed to maintain the shine of your teeth.

Do not wait any longer, come and meet us to start your whitening treatment.

to schedule an appointment for a dental health check-up.

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Opening Hours


8:30am to 5:00pm


11:00am to 7:00pm


8:30am to 5:00pm


8:30am to 5:00pm


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Conception and image by Studio Tangible