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New Patient Form

Personal Information

Looking for dental care and not yet a patient with us?

We’ll be happy to assist you, whatever your needs may be. By choosing Dentisterie Ghali, you’re placing your dental health in the hands of a professional team dedicated to your well-being.
Gender *
Language spoken

In case of emergency, call:

Medical Information

Any allergies or reactions to these products?


Do you suffer from or have you ever suffered from ...

Blood disorders: Hemophilia, anemia, prolonged bleeding
Cardiac conditions: heart attack, angina, surgery, etc.
Surgery to place or repair a valve
Blood pressure
Liver problems: Hepatitis A, B, C, cirrhosis, etc.
Digestive system disorders or diseases
Stomach disorders
Kidney disorders
Thyroid disorders
Cancer (tumor)
Dry mouth
Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs)
Skin disease
Eye problems
Ear pain
Osteoporosis: Prevention/treatment or annual or monthly injection
Chronic pain
Nervous system disorders or diseases
Psychiatric disorders or illnesses
Frequent colds or sinusitis
Tuberculosis or lung problems
Seasonal allergies
Do you take natural or homeopathic products?
Have you taken any medication in the past 6 months?
Are you currently under the care of a doctor?


Are you taking birth control pills?
Are you breastfeeding?
Are you taking hormones?
Are you pregnant?


Do you have ...

Have you ever had surgery or been hospitalized?
Joint prostheses (hip, knee, etc.)?
Gained or lost a lot of weight recently?

Do you suffer from or have you ever suffered from ...?

Dizziness, fainting
Jaw joint pain
Frequent headaches
Do you snore?
Do you have sleep apnea?
Do you smoke or are you a former smoker?
Do you consume alcohol?
Do you use drugs?
Do you take methadone?

Dental Information

Allergies or reactions to these products?

Are you afraid of dental treatments?
Would you like to use a relaxation device during your dental treatments?
Last visit:
Do you have dental insurance?

If yes, please fill in the following information:

Appointment Policy

In the event that your appointment could not be confirmed 24 hours in advance, we reserve the right to cancel it. This way, another patient may benefit from the slot.

Please notify us 48 hours in advance for any changes. I agree to cover the consultation and treatment fees. If payment is not made within 90 days of the visit, I have been informed that the dental clinic may use a collection service, and additional fees will apply. I, the undersigned, declare that I have read, understood, and answered the above medical-dental questionnaire to the best of my knowledge.

I hereby commit to notifying you of any changes to my health status. I authorize the creation of my dental record, its follow-up, and my enrollment on the dentist’s recall list. I am hereby informed of my right to consult my record, request a correction, and withdraw from the recall list.

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Opening Hours


8:30am to 5:00pm


11:00am to 7:00pm


8:30am to 5:00pm


8:30am to 5:00pm


© 2025 Dentisterie Ghali. All rights reserved.
Conception and image by Studio Tangible